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8.0分 / 纪录片 / 英国 / 2010


1/6. What Is Out There? How we came to understand our planet was not at the centre of everything in the cosmos. 第1集:宇宙是什么 人类是如何认识到地球不是宇宙的中心的。 2/6. What is the World Made of? How atomic theories and concepts of quantum physics underpin modern technology. 第2集:世界由什么构成 原子理论和量子物理是如何支撑现代技术的。 3/6. How Did We Get Here? How scientists came to explain the diversity of life on earth. 第3集:生物起源 科学家是如何解释地球生物的多样性的。 4/6 Can We Have Unlimited Power? The story of how power has been harnessed from wind, steam and from inside the atom. 第4集:人类有无穷的力量吗? 人类利用风能、水蒸汽能和原子能的故事。 5/6. What Is the Secret of Life? The story of how the secret of life has been examined through the prism of the human body. 第5集:生命秘密 从人体的多样性研究生命秘密的故事。 6/6 Who are we? The sciences of brain anatomy and psychology have offered different visions of who we are. 第6集:我们是谁? 脑解剖学及心理学为我们是谁?这个问题提供了新观点。...更多信息参见百度:科学的故事权力、证据与激情豆瓣:科学的故事权力、证据与激情



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